Fixing a write protected SD card BY:CodeXMode Tools needed: → Memory card (that is write protected) → Card Reader (The one you'll use to connect your mem. Card to your computer → Computer → Brain.apk & Patience.apk Plunge in your memory card to your computer. (Of course, you need to use a card Reader to connect your memory card on your computer.) • First Click the “Start” on the taskbar to open “Run” and type in “regedit”. • Hit “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” to expand the “System”. •Find “Current Control Set” in the “System” list to click “CONTROL”. • Check whether there is a key named that is named “Storage Device Policies” to change. Change the digit in the “DWORD value” box into "0" and press “OK”. Questions: Sir, What if i can't find the key named “Storage Device Policies”? -You are supposed to create one. how? • right click “Control” to create a new key and name it as “Storage Device Policies” • right click this new key to open “DWORD Value” and name it as “write protect” • Double click it to change number.